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Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation
Invasive Plant Alert (2014)
Piedmont Environmental Council Factsheet
"Wavyleaf Basketgrass: A New Forest Invader" (2011)
U.S. Geological Survey and Anacostia Watershed Society Factsheet
"Wavyleaf Basketgrass: A New Invader of Deciduous Forests in Maryland and Virginia." (August 2009)
MD Dept. of Natural Resources and VA Dept. of Conservation and Recreation Factsheet
"Wavyleaf Basketgrass: A New Invasive Plant in the Mid-Atlantic" (2009)
Shenandoah National Park Factsheet
"Invasive Exotic Plant Factsheet – Wavyleaf Basketgrass" (2009)
Shenandoah National Park Map of Wavyleaf Basketgrass Site
View a map of the site of identified wavyleaf basketgrass in Shenandoah National Park (2009)